Toontown offline v2 nametag names
Toontown offline v2 nametag names

toontown offline v2 nametag names

Sm_weapons_chat_prefix - Prefix for chat messages Sm_weapons_table_prefix - Prefix for database table (example: "xyz_") Sm_weapons_db_connection - Database connection name in databases.cfg to use (0 or any negative value to disable deleting) sm_weapons_inactive_days - Number of days before a player (SteamID) is marked as inactive and his data is deleted.sm_weapons_grace_period - Grace period in terms of seconds counted after round start for allowing the use of !ws command.sm_weapons_enable_overwrite - Enable/Disable players overwriting other players' weapons (picked up from the ground) by using !ws command.sm_weapons_float_increment_size - Increase/Decrease by value for weapon float.sm_weapons_enable_stattrak - Enable/Disable StatTrak options.sm_weapons_enable_nametag - Enable/Disable name tag options.sm_weapons_enable_float - Enable/Disable weapon float options.sm_weapons_knife_stattrak_mode - 0: All knives show the same StatTrak counter (total knife kills) 1: Each type of knife shows its own separate StatTrak counter.sm_weapons_chat_prefix - Prefix for chat messages.sm_weapons_table_prefix - Prefix for database table (example: "xyz_").sm_weapons_db_connection - Database connection name in databases.cfg to use.SteamWorks Extension (1.2.1) by Kyle Sanderson ] ProcessCmds (1.1.2) by GoDtm666 ( SDK Tools (1.) by AlliedModders LLC "Basic Info Triggers" (1.) by AlliedModders LLCĬommunications with routing cluster 'pwj' established. "Rock The Vote" (1.) by AlliedModders LLC "RoundEndSound" (1.1.2) by GoDtm666 ( "Fun Votes" (1.) by AlliedModders LLC "Basic Commands" (1.) by AlliedModders LLC "Reserved Slots" (1.) by AlliedModders LLC "Basic Ban Commands" (1.) by AlliedModders LLC

toontown offline v2 nametag names

" Core" (3.0B8) by FrozDark (Fork by R1KO & White Wolf) "Offline Ban list" (2.5.5) by Grey™ & R1KO "Deathrun Manager" (1.7.1) by Vladislav Dolgov fix "PermaMute" (0.1) by Ryan "FLOOR_MASTER" Mannion "Client Preferences" (1.) by AlliedModders LLC "Player Commands" (1.) by AlliedModders LLC "Admin File Reader" (1.) by AlliedModders LLC " Medkit" (2.1.1) by FrozDark (HLModders LLC) "High Ping Kicker - Lite Edition" ( by Liam "Players Votes" (1.5.0) by The Resident, pZv! "NullWave Crash Fix" (0.2-rc1) by backwards, IT-KiLLER, SM9() "Token Auto Updater" (1.4) by Phoenix (˙·٠ " Module - Distributor" (v2.4.3) by RoadSide Romeo " Module - Overlays" (v2.4.3) by RoadSide Romeo "Sound Commands" (1.) by AlliedModders LLC "Basic Comm Control" (1.) by AlliedModders LLC "HGR:Source" (2.1.5d) by SumGuy14 (Aka Soccerdude) "Reset Score" (1.0.3) by GoDtm666 ( "Fun Commands" (1.) by AlliedModders LLC

Toontown offline v2 nametag names